Los tiempos que corren nos corren! Trabajamos, estudiamos, somos madres, padres, estudiantes, amas/os de casa, profesionales… ESTE ESPACIO ESTÁ PENSADO PARA USTEDES. Los talleres son encuentros MENSUALES en un ambiente cómodo y cálido, con un café de por medio. No te podés perder esta oportunidad! LET´S TALK OVER A CUP OF COFFEE! 1º Encuentro | 16 de Julio de 2011 2º Encuentro | 13 de Agosto de 2011 3º Encuentro | 17 de Septiembre de 2011 Para más información sobre horarios y aranceles, escribinos a info@goodenglish.com.ar |
21 de junio de 2011
4 de junio de 2011
TU MARCA es importante. TU PRODUCTO, TU SERVICIO puede llegar tanto a Argentinos como a EXTRANJEROS. ¿Pensaste en la posibilidad de promocionarte en inglés? Te proponemos traducir tu publicidad
YOUR BRAND is important. YOUR PRODUCT, YOUR SERVICE may reach customers from all around the globe.
Why not having your ads translated into SPANISH? Comunicar con Ideas y Secretos de Familia ya nos eligieron...
Al tomar una decisión buscamos lo más seguro y confiable. La Imagen, sin duda, es un factor determinante para el posicionamiento y el reconocimiento de una marca.
Que la página Web de tu empresa cuente con el mejor diseño y producción de contenido no debe ser casualidad.Mantenerla activa, ingresar un nuevo texto o la inclusión de material multimedia –como un audio o un video- pueden dar a tu página el componente necesario para mejorar la comunicación.Buscamos tus mismos objetivos. Una Imagen Corporativa Original, una Buena Redacción Creativa con Diseño y Producción de cada coma y de cada punto que se lea.El primer paso para el cambio es decidirlo.Este es el momento. Trabajemos juntos.
When making a decision we always look for the safest and most reliable things. The Image is undoubtedly the most significant factor for the positioning and recognition of a brand.
It shouldn´t be a coincidence that your company´s web page has the best design and production of content.Keeping it active, entering a new text or including multimedia materials – such as an audio file or a video – can all give your page the necessary component to improve communication.We look for the same goals as yours: an original corporate identity, good and creative writing with the design and production of each comma and stop to be read.The first step for a change is to decide it.This is the moment. Let´s work together.
Secretos De Familia ® es un legado familiar que nos dejó nuestra abuela italiana Ana Marcello, quien trajo de Calabria las exquisitas recetas de nuestros encurtidos.
En 1979, comenzamos a comercializar nuestros productos en forma muy limitada. Más tarde, agregamos una gran variedad de alimentos a nuestra marca.
Hoy, ofrecemos a nuestros clientes deliciosas elaboraciones caseras. Nuestros productos están hechos con especias y aceite de girasol de primera marca y materia prima de fincas del noreste y noroeste de Argentina.
Brindamos Calidad y Dedicación. Somos Artesanos. Somos Secretos De Familia ®
Nuestros Productos:
Berenjenas al Escabeche | Berenjenas a la Calabresa | Berenjenas Sin Sal | Ajíes a la Calabresa | Pickles al Ajillo | Aceitunas Verdes Scacciatas | Aceitunas Negras Condimentadas | Aceitunas Negras Griegas | Mix de Aceitunas y Tomates Secos | Tomates Secos al Sol | Zucchini al Olio | Pepinillos Agridulces | Chimichurri Tradicional | Chimichurri Picante | Aceite de Oliva
Secretos De Familia ® is a family legacy passed on by our Italian grandmother Ana Marcello, who brought from Calabria the exquisite recipes for pickled and under oil vegetables.
In 1979, we started marketing our products in a very limited way. Later on, we added a large variety of pickled food to our brand.
Today, we offer delicious homemade pickles for our customers. Our products are made with name-brand spices and sunflower oil, and raw material from farms in the Northeast and Northwest of Argentina.
We provide commitment and top-quality products. We are artisans. We are Secretos De Familia ®
Our Products:
Pickled Eggplants | Calabrian Eggplants | Unsalted Eggplants | Calabrian Peppers | Pickles with Garlic | Scacciata Green Olives | Seasoned Black Olives | Black Greek Olives | Olive and Sun-dried Tomato Mix | Sun-dried Tomatoes under Sunflower Oil | Zucchini under Sunflower Oil | Bittersweet Gherkins | Mild Chimichurri Sauce | Spicy Chimichurri Sauce | Olive Oil
Contactanos info@goodenglish.com.ar
2 de junio de 2011
Concurso! | Contest!
Te gustaría PRACTICAR un poco de INGLÉS? Esta es una oportunidad! Good English propone un CONCURSO DE ESCRITORES! No importa que nivel tengas! Escribí una ANÉCDOTA, una HISTORIA, lo que se te ocurra PERO EN INGLÉS!!! Enviá tu idea a info@goodenglish.com.ar. No tengas miedo a equivocarte! Recibirás sugerencias para que tu texto sea el mejor! Podés usar el diccionario online wordreference.com como una ayudita. Recordá, de errores se aprende!
Would you like to practise a little bit of English? Now´s your chance! Good English offers you a Writers´contest! It doesn´t matter what English level you have! Just write an anecdote, a story, whatever comes to your mind, but in English!! Send your idea to info@goodenglish.com.ar. Don´t worry about your mistakes! You´ll receive suggestions so that your writing is the best one!You can use the online dictionary wordreference.com for a little help. Remember, you learn from your mistakes!
Write an email to your Facebook friends. Tell them about you.
Here you have some useful questions for you to answer!
What´s your name? How old are you? Where are you from? What do you do? Who do you live with? Can you describe a member of your family?
Can you describe yourself physically? What about your personality? How would you describe yourself?
What´s your favourite music band? What´s your fave free time activity?
Describe a person or a place. Attach photographs!
For People: Write about his/her personality & physical appearance, likes & dislikes, routine, abilities, etc. Conclude with a personal opinion about him/her: why have you chosen this person?
For Places: Where is this place? What is interesting about it? What can people do there? Talk about the good and the bad things about the place. Why have you chosen that pl
For People: Write about his/her personality & physical appearance, likes & dislikes, routine, abilities, etc. Conclude with a personal opinion about him/her: why have you chosen this person?
For Places: Where is this place? What is interesting about it? What can people do there? Talk about the good and the bad things about the place. Why have you chosen that pl
Write a magazine article!
Choose the main topic and develop the most important ideas in the first paragraph. Then, talk about the positive and negative sides or the advantages & disadvantages of the topic you´ve chosen. (e.g. "Why ban smoking in public places?"). Finally, write a conclusion!
Write an anecdote, a true or imaginary story.
Divide it into paragraphs:
1. When and where did it happen? / Who are the main characters?
2. Describe the main events of the story.
3. What happened in the end?
1. When and where did it happen? / Who are the main characters?
2. Describe the main events of the story.
3. What happened in the end?
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